The Obsolete Iron Car Club is one of Nevada's oldest car clubs!  We started in 1969 and incorporated in 1975 as a 501c(7) non-profit organization.  We are based in Reno/Northern Nevada,

We are dedicated to the preservation, restoration and appreciation of classic motor vehicles, street rodding, the enjoyment of driving, and promoting courtesy and safety on our streets and highways.  We welcome all those who share our love of classic hot rods, restorations, customs and muscle cars!

We provide service support for community events and financial support for local charitable organizations.

In 2021 we were pleased to provide generous donations to seven worthy organizations:  SPCA of Northern Nevada, Dayton Valley Wildlife Rest Stop, Northern NV Food Bank, Eddy House, Reno Bike Project, Boys & Girls Club Truckee Meadows, and Nevada Humane Society.

These charitable donations are made possible by fund raising events, including our annual Last Bash Car Show held on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend for vehicles that are 1979 or older.  We greatly appreciate all the participants that support us and our community!

Please come and check out our car club for membership!  We meet the first Tuesday of every month at Mimi’s Cafe, 5090 Kietzke Lane in Reno, NV.  

Officers for 2024:

Ray Lake, President

Bob Crawford, Vice-President

Shay Brown, Secretary

Brad Streeter, Treasurer

Ted Whipple, Events Coordinator




Contact: Ray Lake Cell: 775-343-9434